Atomic fluorescence spectrometer (AFS)
Specialized for precise determination of low-level Sn contents

Clean chemistry lab
A class 1000 clean room with five class 100 hoods.

ESI/New Wave Micromill
Micro-sampling of geological samples through high-precision drilling.

Freeze dryer
Freeze samples and effectively remove solvent by sublimation in vacuum.

General chemistry lab
For conducting general chemistry experiments and sample preparation

Hitachi SU-1510 SEM
BSE imaging of samples without carbon or gold coating. Equipped with a Edax EDS.

Magenetic stirrer hotplate
For experiments at 20-95 ºC

Neptune plus MC-ICP-MS (shared facility)
There are two Neptune plus MC-ICP-MS in the school of Earth Science and Engineering that are accessible to the lab members.

Nu 1700 Sapphire MC-ICP-MS
High mass resolution multi-collector ICP mass spectrometer for high precision metal stable isotope analysis. Unique that it combines the collision cell technology with a large radius geometry. Installed in January 2020, operational since May 2020.

Optical microscopes
For petrographic observation of thin sections of geological samples

For photochemical experiments of organometallic compounds. Equipped with various light source (e.g. Hg, Xe lamp).

Rigaku Rapid II dual-source micro-XRD
Mo and Cu rotating anode dual source. Capable to do micro-XRD for small samples and in situ XRD analysis on geological samples. Equipped with a heating stage with a temperature range of 50-400ºC. Capable to do time-resolved observation of reactions.