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​Mg isotopes

  1. Li W*, Luo X, Ji Z, Liu C. (2024) Kinetic fractionation of Mg isotopes during chemical diffusion in aqueous solutions: A reappraisal. Fundamental Research. Accepted. in press

  2. Hu Z*, Li W, Hohl S, Meister P, Yang S, Zhang B, Xia Z. Liu C. (2024) Evaporite sequences as archives for Mg isotope compositions of seawater - Evidence from a Tethys marginal shelf basin in the Anisian. Chemical Geology. 668, 122346

  3. Muñoz-López M, Lu C, Li W, Corlett H, Hollis C, Swart P, Koeshidayatullah A*. (2024) What is the source of magnesium in hydrothermal dolomites? New insights from coupling δ26Mg - ∆47 isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 638, 118760

  4. Zhu H, Hu R*, Li W, Long Y, Lai W, Zhang Y, Zhang X, Guo Y, Ji J, Lu H. (2024) Magnesium isotopes of carbonate reveal seasonal climate variation in central East Asia during middle Eocene. Geophysical Research Letters 51(10), e2024GL108623.

  5. Xia, Z., Lin, Y., Li, D., Reuning, L., Hu, Z., Liu, C., Mu, J. and Li W*. (2024) Equilibrium Mg and K isotope fractionation between carnallite and saturated brine: Calibrations and applications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 371, 173-188. <pdf>

  6. Li W*., Ji, Z., Luo, X. and Li, Y. (2024) Isotope fractionation of alkaline and alkaline-earth elements (Li, K, Rb, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) during diffusion in aqueous solutions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 370, 104-112 <pdf>

  7. Xia, Z., Li, S., Hu, Z., Bialik, O., Chen, T., Weldeghebriel, M.F., Fan, Q., Fan, J., Wang, X., An, S., Zhang, F., Xu, H., Chen, J., Ji, Z., Shen, S., Lowenstein, T.K. and Li, W. (2024) The evolution of Earth’s surficial Mg cycle over the past 2 billion years. Science Advances. 10, eadj5474. <pdf>

  8. Mu J, Chen T, Yu Q, An S, Chen J, Shi S, Li W*. (2024) Potassium isotopic signatures of modern offshore detrital sediments from different climatic regimes and the implications. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 67(2), 405-419. <pdf>

  9. Li S, Li G, Li W, Chen Y*, Raymo M, Chen J (2023) Effects of secondary carbonate precipitation and dissolution on Changjiang (Yangtze) river chemistry and estimates of silicate weathering rates. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37, e2022GB007581. DOI:10.1029/2022GB007581

  10. Lin YJ*, Knapp W, Li W, Zheng M, Ye C, She J, Xia Z, Power I, Zhao Y, Tipper E (2023) Magnesium isotope constraints on the Holocene hydromagnesite formation in alkaline Lake Dujiali, central Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128, e2022JF006907. doi: 10.1029/2022JF006907

  11. Liu C, Li W* (2023) Magnesium isotope fractionation between calcite and aqueous solutions under elevated temperatures of 98–170 °C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 344, 160-177 <pdf>

  12. Brzozowski M*, Good D, Yan W, Wu CZ, An S, Li W  (2022) Mg–Fe isotopes link the geochemical complexity of the Coldwell Complex, Midcontinent Rift to varied metasomatic processes in the mantle. Journal of Petrology, 63(8), egac081

  13. Liu C, Wang K, Li W* (2023) Isotopic responses of Mg to two types of dissolution-reprecipitation processes for the growth of the double-carbonate mineral norsethite. American Mineralogist, 108, 326-337. <pdf>

  14. Hu Z, Shi Z, Li G, Xia Z, Yi L, Liu C, Li W* (2022) The Cenozoic Seawater Conundrum: New constraints from Mg isotopes in island dolostones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 595, 117755. <pdf>

  15. Xia Z, Lin Y, Wei H, Hu Z, Liu C, Li W* (2022) Reconstruct hydrological history of terrestrial saline lakes using Mg isotopes in halite: A case study of the Quaternary Dalangtan playa in Qaidam Basin, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 587, 110804. <pdf>

  16. Yan W, Wang Q, Li W* (2022) Behavior of Mg-Fe-C-O isotopes at the contact zone between marble and eclogite in subduction zones. Acta Geologica Sinica,96(2):500-516 (in Chinese with English abstract). <pdf>

  17. Hu Z, Bialik O*, Hohl SV, Xia Z, Waldmann ND, Liu C, Li W* (2021) The response of Mg isotopes to dolomitization during sea-level fluctuations: Constraints on the hydrological condition of massive dolomitization system. Sedimentary Geology, 420, 105922 <pdf>

  18. Hu Z, Li W*, Zhang H*, Krainer K, Zheng Q-F, Xia Z, Hu W, Shen S-z (2021) Mg isotope evidence for restriction events within the Paleotethys ocean around the Permian-Triassic transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 556, 116704 <pdf>

  19. Son S, Li W, Lee J, Kwon K* (2020) On the coordination of Mg2+ in aragonite: Ab-initio absorption spectroscopy and isotope fractionation study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 286, 324-335.

  20. Xia ZG, Horita J, Reuning L, Bialik O, Hu ZY, Waldmann N, Liu C, Li W*, (2020) Extracting Mg isotope signatures of ancient seawater from marine halite: a reconnaissance. Chemical Geology, 522(2), 119768. <pdf>

  21. Liu C, Li W* (2020). Transformation of amorphous precursor to crystalline carbonate: insights from Mg isotopes in the dolomite-analogue mineral norsethite [BaMg(CO3)2]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 272, 1-20 <pdf>

  22. Li W*, Zhao S, Wang X, Li S, Wang G-G, Yang T, Jin Z, (2020) Fingerprinting hydrothermal fluids in porphyry Cu deposits using K and Mg isotopes. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 63(1), 108-120 <pdf>

  23. Li W*, Bialik O*, Wang X, Yang T, Hu Z, Huang Q, Zhao S, Waldmann N, (2019). Effects of early diagenesis on Mg isotopes in dolomite: The roles of Mn(IV)-reduction and recrystallization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 250: 1-17. <pdf>

  24. Hu Z, Hu W*, Liu C, Sun F, Liu Y, Li W* (2019) Conservative behavior of Mg isotopes in massive dolostones: From diagenesis to hydrothermal reworking. Sedimentary Geology, 381, 65-75. <pdf>

  25. Bialik O*, Wang X, Zhao S, Waldmann N, Frank R, Li W* (2018) Mg isotope response to dolomitization in hinterland-attached carbonate platforms: Outlook of δ26Mg as a tracer of basin restriction and seawater Mg/Ca ratio. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 235, 189-207. <pdf>

  26. Wang XM, Hu ZY, Li W* (2018) Genesis of the Albian Dolomite in Levant Basin, East Mediterranean: A Case Study of the Givat Ye’arim Formation and Soreq Formation near Jerusalem, Israel. Geological Journal of China Universities, 24(5), 681-691 (in Chinese with English abstract). <pdf>

  27. Hu Z, Hu W*, Wang X, Lu Y, Wang L, Liao Z, Li W* (2017) Resetting of Mg isotopes between calcite and dolomite during burial metamorphism: Outlook of Mg isotopes as geothermometer and seawater proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 208(1), 24-40. <pdf>

  28. Li W, Beard BL, Li C, Xu H, Johnson CM. (2015) Experimental calibration of Mg isotope fractionation between dolomite and aqueous solution and its geological implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 157, 164-181. <pdf>

  29. Li W, Beard BL, Li C, Johnson CM. (2014) Magnesium isotope fractionation between brucite [Mg(OH)2] and Mg aqueous species: Implications for silicate weathering and biogeochemical processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 394: 82-93. <pdf>

  30. Li W, Chakraborty S, Beard BL, Romanek CS, Johnson CM. (2012) Magnesium isotope fractionation during precipitation of inorganic calcite under laboratory conditions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 333-334: 304-316. <pdf>

  31. Li W, Beard BL, Johnson CM. (2011) Exchange and fractionation of Mg isotopes between epsomite and saturated MgSO4 solution. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75: 2014-2028. <pdf>

K isotopes

  1. Xu X*, Wang X, Ma Z, Liang C, Li W. (2024) Petrogenesis of episodic volcanic-intrusive rocks in SE China: Crystal-melt segregation and magma mixing. Chemical Geology. 670. 122457.

  2. Xia, Z., Lin, Y., Li, D., Reuning, L., Hu, Z., Liu, C., Mu, J. and Li W*. (2024) Equilibrium Mg and K isotope fractionation between carnallite and saturated brine: Calibrations and applications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 371, 173-188. <pdf>

  3. Du, D.-H., Luo, X.-L., Wang, X.-L., Palmer, M.R., Ersoy, E.Y. and Li W*. (2024) A recipe for making potassium-rich magmas in collisional orogens: New insights from K and Fe isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 632, 118642. <pdf>

  4. Li W*., Ji, Z., Luo, X. and Li, Y. (2024) Isotope fractionation of alkaline and alkaline-earth elements (Li, K, Rb, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) during diffusion in aqueous solutions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 370, 104-112 <pdf>

  5. Xu H, Li W, Wang XL*, Mu J, Du DH, Zhao J, Xiong D. (2024) Tracing magmatic differentiation of peralkaline granites by using K stable isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 366, 154-166.

  6. Mu J, Chen T, Yu Q, An S, Chen J, Shi S, Li W*. (2024) Potassium isotopic signatures of modern offshore detrital sediments from different climatic regimes and the implications. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences 67(2), 405-419. <pdf>

  7. Han Z, Hui H*, Wei H, Li W. (2023) Isotopic fractionation of chlorine and potassium during chloride sublimation under lunar conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 353, 112-128

  8. An S, Chen J, Boschi S, Li W* (2023) Significantly Enhanced Robustness of K Isotope Analysis by Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS and Its Application to the Returned Lunar Samples by China’s Chang’e-5 Project. Analytical Chemistry, 95(4), 2140-2145. <pdf>

  9. An S, Luo X, Li W* (2022) Precise measurement of 41K/39K ratios by HR-MC-ICP-MS under a dry and hot plasma setting. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 36(11):e9289. doi:10.1002/rcm.9289. <pdf>

  10. Wang K*, Li W, Li S, Tian Zhen, Koefoed P, Zheng X (2021) Geochemistry and cosmochemistry of potassium stable isotopes, Geochemistry, 81(3), 125786 (invited review, cover article)

  11. Moynier F*, Hu Y, Wang K, Zhao Y, Gérard Y, Deng ZB, Moureau J, Li W, Simon J, Teng FZ. (2021) Potassium isotopic composition of various samples using a dual-path collision cell-capable multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, Nu instruments Sapphire. Chemical Geology, 571, 120144

  12. Wang K*, Li W, Li S, (2020) Potassium isotope geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Earth Science Frontiers, 27(3), 104-122. (invited review in Chinese).

  13. Li W*, Zhao S, Wang X, Li S, Wang G-G, Yang T, Jin Z, (2020) Fingerprinting hydrothermal fluids in porphyry Cu deposits using K and Mg isotopes. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, 63(1), 108-120 <pdf>

  14. Li W*, Beard B, Li S, (2019). Geological cycling of potassium and the K isotopic response: insights from loess and shales, Acta Geochimica. 38(4), 508-516. <pdf>

  15. Li S, Li W*, Beard B, Raymo M, Wang X, Chen Y, Chen J, (2019). K isotopes as a tracer for continental weathering and geological K cycling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (18) 8740-8745. <pdf>

  16. Li W*, Kwon KD., Li S, Beard BL. (2017)  Potassium isotope fractionation between K-salts and saturated aqueous solutions at room temperature: Laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 214, 1-13. <pdf>

  17. Li W*(2017) Vital effects of K isotope fractionation in organisms: observations and a hypothesis. Acta Geochimica. 36(3), 374-378. <pdf>

  18. Li W, Beard BL, Li S (2016) Precise measurement of stable potassium isotope ratios using a single focusing collision cell multi-collector ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31, 1023-1029. <pdf>



Fe isotopes

  1. Du D, Wang X*, Xu H, Wang S, Zhang Y, Li W. (2024) Magmatic differentiation of peralkaline granites: Constraints from iron isotope fractionation between Fe-bearing minerals. Lithos, 490-491, 107863. 

  2. Liu W, Hu W*, Zhang W, Wang X, Cao J, Luo X, An S, Li W, Zhi D, Li W. (2024) 13C-enriched carbonate precipitates reveal intense methanogenic oil degradation in the upper Wuerhe Formation, Northwest China. Geology. 52 (11): 830–835

  3. Ye H, Wu C* , Li W, Lei R*, Sun X, Hao W, Konhauser K. (2024) Deposition and termination of Neoproterozoic iron formations (NIFs): New insights from NIFs in China. Earth Science Reviews. 256, 104861.

  4. Luo X, Wu C*, She J, Brzozowski M, Du D, An S, and Li W. (2024) Understanding the extreme differentiation of granitic magmas through elemental geochemistry and Fe isotope signatures. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 380, 31-47.

  5. Zhao S*, Brzozowski M, Li W. (2024) The behavior of Fe isotopes in Fe skarns: A case study from the Yeshan Fe skarn deposit, Eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews. 168, 106054. 

  6. Luo X, Li W*, Du D, An S, Zheng B, Zhu W, Xu Z. (2024) Iron isotope systematics of the Jiajika granitic-pegmatite lithium deposit, Sichuan, China. Ore Geology Reviews. 165, 105903. <pdf>

  7. Zhou D, Wang X, Zhao Y*, Li W, Wang J, Li D, Ling Z, Li Y, Li X, Liu J. (2024) Photooxidation of Evaporative Ferrous-Ferric Sulfate Brines under a Martian CO2 Atmosphere. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. DOI: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.3c00164

  8. Ye H, Wu CZ, Brzozowski M, Yang T, Sun X, Lei R, Li W. (2023) Genesis of the Longwanggou iron deposit in the Yudongzi Complex, South China: Implications for the redox state of seawater at the onset of the Great oxidation Event. Ore Geology Reviews, 159, 105562.

  9. Brzozowski M*, Good D, Yan W, Wu CZ, An S, Li W  (2022) Mg–Fe isotopes link the geochemical complexity of the Coldwell Complex, Midcontinent Rift to varied metasomatic processes in the mantle. Journal of Petrology, 63(8), egac081

  10. Wu C*, Zhao F, Yang T, Lei R, Ye H, Gao B, Li W (2022). Genesis of the Fulu Cryogenian iron formation in South China: Synglacial or interglacial? Precambrian Research 376, 106689.

  11. Du DH, Tang M, Li W, Kay SM, Wang XL* (2022) What drives Fe depletion in calc-alkaline magma differentiation: Insights from Fe isotopes. Geology, 50 (5): 552–556.

  12. Yan W, Wang Q, Li W* (2022) Behavior of Mg-Fe-C-O isotopes at the contact zone between marble and eclogite in subduction zones. Acta Geologica Sinica,96(2):500-516 (in Chinese with English abstract). <pdf>

  13. Huang Q, Viehmann S, Walde DH, & Li W* (2021) Iron isotope constraints on the metal source and depositional environment of the Neoproterozoic banded iron-and manganese deposits in Urucum, Brazil. Geochemistry, 81(3), 125771. <pdf>

  14. Brzozowski M*, Good D, Wu CZ, Li W* (2021) Iron isotope fractionation during sulfide liquid evolution in Cu–PGE mineralization of the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, Canada. Chemical Geology, 576, 120282 <pdf>

  15. Liu, R., Guo, B., Wang, M., Li, W., Yang, T., Ling, H., and Chen, T*. (2020) Isotopic fingerprinting of dissolved iron sources in the deep western Pacific since the late Miocene. Science China Earth Sciences, 63, 1767-1779.

  16. Wu CZ, Yang T, Shields G, Bian XP, Gao BF, Ye H, Li W*, (2020) Termination of Cryogenian ironstone deposition by deep ocean euxinia. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 15, 1-5. <pdf>

  17. Ye H, Wu CZ, Brzozowski MJ, Yang T, Zha XP, Zhao SG, Gao BF, Li W* (2020). Calibrating equilibrium Fe isotope fractionation factors between magnetite, garnet, amphibole, and biotite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 271, 78-95 <pdf>

  18. Chen TY*, Li W, Guo B, Liu RL, Li GJ, Zhao L, Ji JF, (2020) Reactive Iron isotope signatures of the East Asian dust particles: implications for iron cycling in the deep North Pacific. Chemical Geology, 531, 119342

  19. Lechte MA*, Wallace MW, Hood AS, Li W, Jiang G, Halverson GP, Asael D, McColl SL, Planavsky NJ, (2019). Subglacial meltwater supported aerobic marine habitats during Snowball Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201909165

  20. Du DH, Li W, Wang XL*, Shu XJ, Yang T, Sun T (2019) Fe isotopic fractionation during magmatic– hydrothermal stage of granitic magmatism. Lithos, 350-351, 105265

  21. Gao B, Wu C* , Yang T*, Santosh M, Dong L, Zhao T, Ye H, Lei R, and Li  W. (2019) The Neoproterozoic “Blood falls” in Tarim Craton and their possible connection with Snowball Earth,  JGR: Earth Surface, 124, 229– 244. 

  22. Du DH, Wang XL*, Yang T, Chen X, Li JY, Li W* (2017) Origin of heavy Fe isotope compositions in high-silica igneous rocks: a rhyolite perspective. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Atca. 218, 58-72. <pdf>

  23. Ye H, Wu CZ*, Tang T, Santosh M, Yao XZ, Gao BF, Wang XL, Li W* (2017) Updating the Geologic Barcodes for South China: Discovery of Late Archean Banded Iron Formations in the Yangtze Craton. Scientific Reports. 7: 15082, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15013-4.  <pdf>

  24. Shi B, Liu K, Wu L, Li W, Smeaton CM, Beard BL, Johnson CM, Roden EE, Van Cappellen P, (2016) Iron isotope fractionations reveal a finite bioavailable Fe pool for structural Fe(III) reduction in nontronite. Environmental Science and Technology, 50:8661-8669 (EST Cover Arcticle)

  25. Satkoski A, Beukes NJ, Li W, Beard BL, Johnson CM (2015) A redox-stratified ocean 3.2 billion years ago. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430, 43-53

  26. Li W, Beard BL, Johnson CM. (2015) Biologically recycled continental iron is a major component in banded iron formations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(27), 8193-8198. <pdf>

  27. Liu K, Wu L, Couture R, Li W, Van Cappellen, (2015) Iron isotope fractionation in sediments of an oligotrophic freshwater lake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 423, 164-172

  28. Neumann A, Wu L, Li W, Beard BL, Johnson CM, Rosso KM, Frierdich AJ, Scherer MM. (2015)  Atom exchange between aqueous Fe(II) and structural Fe in clay minerals. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(5): 2786-2795.

  29. Li W, Beard BL, Kita N, Valley, JW, Johnson CM. (2013) Contrasting behavior of oxygen and iron isotopes in banded iron formations revealed by in situ isotopic analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 384: 132-143. <pdf>

  30. Li W, Czaja AD, van Kranendonk M, Johnson CM, Beard BL. (2013) An anoxic, Fe(II)-rich, U-poor ocean 3.46 billion years ago. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 120: 65-79. <pdf>

  31. Czaja AD, Johnson CM, Beard BL, Roden EE, Li W, Moorbath S. (2013) Biological Fe oxidation controlled deposition of banded iron formation in the ca. 3770 Ma Isua Supracrustal Belt (West Greenland). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 363: 192-203.



Cu-Zn isotopes

  1. He J, Wang G*, Brzozowski M, Ni P, Luo X, Mu J, Li W. (2024) Hypogene sulfide precipitation during phyllic alteration: insights from copper isotopic evolution of the Dexing porphyry Cu–Mo–Au deposit, South China. Mineralium Deposita.

  2. Zhang Y*, Li W, Brzozowski M (2024). Dynamics of Cu isotope fractionation during the reactions of pyrite with Cu(I)-bearing hydrothermal fluids,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 383, 43-56

  3. Zhang X-Y, Chen, L-H*, Wang, X-J, Hanyu, T, Hofmann, A W, Komiya, T, Nakamura, K, Kato, Y, Zeng, G, Gou, W-X and Li, W (2022) Zinc isotopic evidence for recycled carbonate in the deep mantle. Nature Communications 13: 6085.

  4. Brzozowski M*, Good D, Wu CZ, Li W* (2021) Cu isotope systematics of conduit-type Cu–PGE mineralization in the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 56, 707–724 <pdf>

  5. Li W, Gou W, Li W, Zhang T, Yu B, Liu Q, Shi J*, (2019). Environmental applications of metal stable isotopes: Silver, mercury and zinc. Environmental Pollution, 252, 1344-1356

  6. Gou W, Li W*, Ji J, Li W*, (2018). Zn isotope fractionation during sorption on Al oxide: Atomic level undertanding from EXAFS. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 9087-9096. <pdf>

  7. Li W, Jackson SE, Pearson NJ. (2010) Copper isotopic zonation in the Northparkes porphyry Cu-Au deposit. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74: 4078-4096. <pdf>

  8. Li W, Jackson SE, Pearson NJ, Alard O, Chappell BW. (2009) Cu isotopic signature of granites from the Lachlan Fold Belt, SE Australia. Chemical Geology 258: 38-49.  <pdf>



Sn isotopes

  1. Xiong D, Wang X*, Hofmann A, Li W, Zhang R, Nazari-Dehkordi, T, Guan Y, An S. (2024) 3.08 billion-year-old crustal differentiation constrained by Sn and O isotopes of detrital cassiterite. Communications Earth & Environment volume 5, 785.

  2. She J, Li W*, Kubik E, Moynier F, Luo X, Mu J, An S, Wu C, Hu Z, Ji J. (2024) Tin isotope heterogeneity and baseline of the upper continental crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 381, 43-59.<pdf>

  3. Sun K, She J, Du D, Li W*, Deng J*. (2024) Extreme Sn isotope fractionation in highly evolved granites. Chemical Geology, 644, 121843. <pdf>

  4. She J, Li W*, Cai Y. (2023) The reaction kinetics and Sn isotope fractionation of Sn(IV) chloride hydrolysis. Applied Geochemistry, 158, 105793. <pdf>

  5. Wang T, She J, Sun Y, Li Q, Lu X, Li W, Liu X* (2023) Equilibrium Sn Isotope Fractionation among Sn-Bearing Minerals. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 7(10), 2006–2018.

  6. She J, Li W*, An S, Yang T, Zhang R (2023) In situ Sn isotope analysis of cassiterite (SnO2) by nanosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38, 1043-1056 <pdf>

  7. She J, Kubik E, Li W*, Moynier F (2023) Stable Sn isotope signatures of Mid-ocean ridge basalts. Chemical Geology, 622, 121347. doi: /10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121347 <pdf>

  8. She J, Li W*, An S, Cai Y (2023) High-precision double-spike Sn isotope analysis of geological materials by MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38, 142-155. <pdf>

  9. Wang TH, She JX, Yin K, Wang K, Zhang YJ, Lu XC, Liu XD*, Li W* (2021). Sn(II) chloride speciation and equilibrium Sn isotope fractionation under hydrothermal conditions: a first principles study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 300, 25-43 <pdf>

  10. She JX, Wang TH, Liang HD, Muhtar MN, Li W*, Liu XD* (2020). Sn isotope fractionation during volatilization of Sn(IV) chloride: laboratory experiments and quantum mechanical calculations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 269, 184-202 <pdf>

Other isotopes and topics

  1. Liu Y,  Chen T*, Li T, Li W, Hong Q, Chen J. (2024) Efficient preconcentration of ultra-trace rhenium from geological materials via induced adsorption for accurate isotope analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 39, 2748-2755.

  2. Yang S, Fan J*, Algeo T, Shields G, Zhou Y, Li C, Chen J, Li W, Li N, Cao J, Zhang L, Sun Z, Shen S. (2024) Steep oceanic DIC δ13C depth gradient during the Hirnantian Glaciation. Earth Science Reviews. 255, 104840.

  3. Zhang M, Wei H*, Lu J, Williams-Jones A, Eastoe C, Li W, Xia Z, Hohl S, Ma J, Cai Y, Jiang S, Wang J. (2024) Estimates of chlorine isotope fractionation factors using density functional theory: Applications to ore-forming systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 367, 1-15.

  4. Lv C, Li W, Tang C*, Zhu C, Pan X, Zhang X, Shi B. (2024) Characterization and quantification of calcite distribution in MICP-treated sand using μ-XRF image processing technique. Acta Geotech.19(1), 115-129.

  5. Boschi S, Wang X, Hui H, Yin Z, Guan Y, Hu H, Zhang W, Chen J, Li W* (2023) Compositional variability of 2.0-Ga lunar basalts at the Chang’e-5 landing site. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2022JE007627. <pdf>

  6. Mu J, Zhao S, Brzozowski M, Li H, Wu C, Li W* (2023) Geology, geochemistry and genesis of the world-class Shizhushan wollastonite deposit, Mengshan area, South China. Ore Geology Reviews. 158, 105469 <pdf>

  7. Shuai K, Hui H*, Zhou L, Li W (2023) Spatial distribution of isotopes and compositional mixing in the inner protoplanetary disk. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 673, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202245341

  8. Weldeghebriel M*, Lowenstein T, Xia Z, Li W (2023) Plate tectonic control of strontium concentration in Phanerozoic and Neoproterozoic seawater: evidence from fluid inclusions in marine halite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 346, 165-179

  9. Yang R, Li T, Stubbs D, Chen T, Liu S, Kemp D, Li W, Yang S, Chen J, Elliott T, Dellwig O, Chen J, Li G (2022) Stable tungsten isotope systematics on the earth’s surface. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2022, 322: 227-243

  10. Zhao S*, Brzozowski M, Mueller T, Wang W, Li W* (2022) Skarn classification and element mobility in the Yeshan Iron Deposit, Eastern China: Insight from lithogeochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews, 145, 104909. <pdf>

  11. Shuai K, Hui H*, Zhou L, Li W (2022) Accretion regions of meteorite parent bodies inferred from a two-endmember isotopic mixing model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 513 (1), 363-373

  12. Zhang Y, Pan W, Zhu B, Li W, Yang L, Chen Y, Yang T* (2022) Recrystallization of dolostones in the Cambrian Xiaoerbrak Formation, Tarim Basin and possible link to reservoir development. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 136, 105452

  13. Zhang H., Zhang F, Chen J, Erwin DH, Syverson DD, Ni P., Rampino M, Chi Z., Cai YF, Xiang L, Li W., Liu S, Wang R, Wang X, Feng Z, Li H, Zhang T, Cai H, Zheng W, Cui Y, Zhu X, Hou Z, Wu F, Xu Y, Planavsky N, Shen SZ*, (2021) Felsic volcanism as a factor driving the end-Permian mass extinction. Science Advances 7, eabh1390.

  14. Zhang Y, Li W, Cai YF*, Qu Y, Pan YG, Zhao KD. (2021) Experimental investigation of the reactions between pyrite and aqueous Cu(I) chloride solution at 100–250 °C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 298, 1-20.

  15. Liu RL, Wang MY, Li W, Shi XF, Chen TY*, (2020) Dissolved thorium isotope evidence for export productivity in the subtropical North Pacific during the late Quaternary. Geophysical Research Letters, 46,

  16. Shuai K, Li W*, Hui H, (2020) Isobaric Spike Method for Absolute Isotopic Ratio Determination by MC-ICP-MS. Analytical Chemistry, 92(7), 4820-4828 <pdf>

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