Nu 1700 Sapphire MC-ICP-MS (Grace)
High mass resolution multi-collector ICP mass spectrometer for high precision metal stable isotope analysis. Unique that it combines the collision cell technology with a large radius geometry. Installed in January 2020, operational since May 2020. Its name is Grace.

Neptune plus MC-ICP-MS (shared facility)
There are two Neptune plus MC-ICP-MS in the school of Earth Science and Engineering that are accessible to the lab members.

Clean chemistry lab
A class 1000 clean room with five class 100 hoods.

General chemistry lab
For conducting general chemistry experiments and sample preparation

Skyray ICP-3000 ICP-OES
Fast determination of elemental concentration in aqueous solutions for most metals.

Rigaku Rapid II dual-source micro-XRD
Mo and Cu rotating anode dual source. Capable to do micro-XRD for small samples and in situ XRD analysis on geological samples. Equipped with a heating stage with a temperature range of 50-400ºC. Capable to do time-resolved observation of reactions.

Hitachi SU-1510 SEM
BSE imaging of samples without carbon or gold coating. Equipped with a Edax EDS.

Optical microscopes
For petrographic observation of thin sections of geological samples

iXRF Atlas micro X-ray fluorescent spectrometer
Performs quantitative point analysis for elements heavier than Na and elemental mapping of geological samples

ESI/New Wave Micromill
Micro-sampling of geological samples through high-precision drilling.

Magenetic stirrer hotplate
For experiments at 20-95 ºC